NOTA: Aquest escrit que be a continuació, nomes estara fet en dos idiomes, el català i l’angles a causa de ser molt gran el text i tambe per el fet inesperat de la situacio que s’esta vivint a tot el mon per aquest gran cas.

Hola molt bona tarda a tots vosaltres, seguidores i seguidors del blog Lleure i Oci de tot el mon, sigueu molt benvinguts al blog. Estem davant una gran situacio d’emergencia mundial denominada Coronavirus – COVID-19. Segurament molta gent com jo, mai ho hem vist, pero si ho hem sentit a parlar dels nostres abans passats o mirant histories del passat. Ens ve nou tot aixo (gent del nostre temps). Parlar de pandemies, pestes amb grans morts mundials arreu de molts paisos. Aquesta pandemia, o situacio que esta afectant a tothom, d’on ha sortit, qui l’ha originat….. Aquests dies parlant amb gent diversa o veien les noticies cada dia on en vaig informant del que va passant, on ja ets pots començar a avorrir de la situacio. Es dificil d’explicar, cada dia va evolucionant. Diuen de confinament a casa de tota la gent. Jo encara estic treballant, on ja han passat uns 15 dies de que varen dir el confinament de molta gent a casa. Jo treballava cinc dies a la setmana, ara a partir de la propera setmana, la del 1 d’abril, m’han reduit la jornada de 5 dies a 3 fent les 8 hores seguides (de dilluns a dimecres), abans feia les 8 hores partides. Com anira evolucionant la situacio…. es incerta sincerament… aquesta setmana en vaig enterar que deien fins a finals d’abril, pero cap a dijous ja deien les previsions apunten cap a finals del mes de juny. Xina va començar a tenir aquest brot d’epidermia cap el passat mes de desembre ’19, i ara actualment, a final del mes de març’20, semble que es comencen a restablir d’en mica en mica on tot es comença a resituar. Italia esta lluitant per fer front aquesta gran pendemia, on el exercit rus ha anat ajudar apaliar la situacio i Cuba a portat els seus millors metges tambe per ajudar a restablir la situacio entre altres com Xina tambe. Catalunya, tambe ha entrat en situacio d’emergencia, pero esta lligada de cap i peus per no poder oferir els seus serveis, ja que l’estat espanyol es qui fa les eleccions. En aquest moment l’estat espanyol ha prohibit l’entrada de material medic a Catalunya, requisant tot i quedant’se tot el material al centre espanyol. Tampoc diuen de tancar del tot el pais. Metges i infermers, estan treballant a contrarellotge de les seves limitacions, on estan sense material per poguer combatre l’epidermia. S’han d’inventar estrategies per tenir material. Fer servir boses d’escombraries com vestits de cirurgia per atendre la gent per la gran situacio. Molts hospitals catalans, estan en aquesta situacio a hores d’ara. L’estat espanyol envia l’exercit a Bcn amb els seus soldats amb bones equipacions per desinfectar zones com l’aeroport i port de Barcelona (Bcn) i en canvi els metges i infermers, que estan lluitant fent un munt d’hores han d’anar vestits amb boses d’escombraries. Tot aixo es degut a les grans retallades que es varen fer l’any 2010, ara degut aquesta situacio, estem com estem, uns intentant lluitar amb tot el que sigui possible al seu abast i altres tinguent tot el necessari no fer-ho servir. Hi ha moltes mancances, aquesta situacio es podia haber impedit molt abans… potser si, pero els grans presidents o politics d’arreu del mon no en varen fer cas….Que poden amagar aquesta gent que aixi passat aquesta situacio tant greu….. ho podem esbrinar o no….fa una setmana, un dijous el mati estan a la feina, vaig pensar en com es podria haber originat aquesta situacio. Possiblement, aquesta situacio que us digui, semble mes una llegenda que una realitat, pero a vegades, es com dir la ficcio supera la realitat.Anem a pams… Situacions… 11 de setembre 2001, atemptats als EUA. Aquell any d’aquella situacio catastrofica, varen veure un abans i un despres. Any 2015, Bill Gates informa en un dels seus mitings la propagacio d’un gran virus l’any 2020 a tot el mon per microorganismes que afectaria a la poblacio mundial. 2020, fa pocs mesos, potser un parell de setmanes, la noia de 17 anys la Greta Thunberg avisaba al mon diguent que parlaria amb l’Oms perque pari tot el mon davant la situacio del canvi climatic que ens podria afectar.. Davant aquesta situacio, us voldria dir a tots vosaltres (tot el mon), us proposso un trencaclosques com una mena de codig etic… cinc coses, per aquest ordre… els seguents: Greta Thunberg, Oms,Trump,Xina i Coronavirus. Que tenim darrere de tot aquesta serie de nombraments. Ja us dic d’un principi aixo semble una llegenda que no pas una realitat.1º Greta Thumberg, diu d’anar a parlar amb l’ Oms de parar tot el mon davant una gran situacio de perill sobre canvi climatic que es proper. 2ºOms, podria escoltat a Greta Thumberg, pero perque el poble no s’enteri (el mon) de la situacio, desvii el problema gestionant un altre carrec. Com p.ex. el President dels EUA Donald Trump. Aquest gran personatge que no cau gaire be a molts americans amb les seves decissions. Trump pot haber creat una situacio per guanyar temps perque no el pasin a davant. Si, EUA es la primera potencia mundial, pero es veu atrapada per la Xina que el pot passar a davant com a primera potencia mundial, per guanyar temps, Trump els va impossar fa uns mesos uns arancels a tots els seus productes, pero la Xina va passar d’aquest arancels impossats per Trump. Trump veien que els arancels no tenien gaire exit, va anar a una cosa mes grossa, com p ex. un virus per a Xina. pero de retruc aquest virus a traspassat fronteres, a hores d’ara tot el mon esta infectat d’una manera increible, tambe els Eua. El coronavirus, ha tapat el que va proposar Greta Thumberg a la Oms per paralitzar tot el mon… Quant ho sabrem la veritat, d’aqui a mig any, un any… o mai.. Va estar be a Europa tenir les fronteres obertes o ha anat malament amb importacions de productes de tot el mon fins arribar aquest extrem… Seria necessari tornar a tenir les fronteres tancades com abans . Moltes coses feia temps que ja no eren com eren. Hem tingut que esperar a una mena de pandemia que dones la volta al mon i encara aixis ja vorem com acaba tot….. I despres que sera de tot…. no vull pensar-hi, vull pensar cada dia el que vindra l’endema, no vull aventurar-me a mig any o un any… no tindria la seva gracia, per aixo ja tenim grans personatges ocults que estan preparant per aquesta situacio, que espero aviat ens poguem alliberar. Be, seguidores i seguidors, ser que aprecieu els meus escrits, per els missatges que m’envieu d’arreu del mon, moltes gracies a tots per seguir-me, fins aviat a tots vosaltres.


NOTE: This writing below will only be done in two languages, Catalan and English, due to the large size of the text and also because of the unexpected fact of the situation that is happening all over the world for this one. great case.

Hello, good afternoon to all of you, supporters of the Leisure and Leisure blog, welcome to the blog. We are facing a major global emergency situation called Coronavirus – COVID-19. Surely many people like me, we have never seen it, but if we have heard it about our past or past stories. All this is new to us (people of our time). Talk about pandemics, plagues with great deaths worldwide in many countries. This pandemic, or situation that affects everyone, where it came from, who originated it … These days talking to different people or watching the news every day where I keep informing of what’s going on, where already You can start to get bored of the situation. It is difficult to explain, every day it is evolving. They say confinement in the house of all the people. I am still working, where about 15 days have passed since many people were told the confinement at home. I worked five days a week, now from next week, on April 1st, I have been reduced from 5 days to 3 by doing the 8 hours in a row (Monday to Wednesday), before 8 a.m. hours spent As the situation is going to evolve … it is sincerely uncertain … this week I learned that they were saying until the end of April, but towards Thursday they already said the forecasts are pointing towards the end of June. China began to have this outbreak of epidermis around December ’19, and now, at the end of March’20, it seems that they are slowly reestablishing where everything begins to relocate. . Italy is struggling to cope with this great pendemia, where the Russian army has been helping to alleviate the situation and Cuba has brought in its best doctors as well to help reestablish the situation among others such as China. Catalonia, also has entered into an emergency situation, but is bound head and foot not to be able to offer its services, since the Spanish state is the one who makes the election. At this time the Spanish state has banned the entry of medical material in Catalonia, requisitioning despite staying all the material in the Spanish center. Nor do they say to completely close the country. Doctors and nurses are working to the limit, where they have no material to fight the epidermis. Strategies must be invented to have material. Use garbage bags as surgical gowns to attend to the great situation. Many Catalan hospitals are in this situation right now. Spain sends the army to Bcn with its soldiers well equipped for disinfected areas such as the airport and port of Barcelona (Bcn) and instead the doctors and nurses, who are struggling for many hours must go dressed in trash bags. All this is due to the great cuts that were made in 2010, now due to this situation, we are as we are, some trying to fight as much as possible with others and others having everything necessary not to use it. There are many shortcomings, this situation could have been prevented much earlier … maybe if, but the great presidents or politicians around the world did not pay attention … That they can hide these people who have passed this situation so much serious ….. we can find out or not …. a week ago, on a Thursday morning they were at work, I thought about how this situation could have originated. Possibly this situation tells you, it looks more like a legend than a reality, but sometimes, it’s like saying fiction exceeds reality. Let’s just go … Situations … September 11, 2001, attacks in the USA. That year of that catastrophic situation, they saw before and after. In 2015, Bill Gates reported in one of his rallies the spread of a large virus in 2020 around the world by microorganisms that would affect the world population. 2020, a few months ago, maybe a couple of weeks ago, 17-year-old girl Greta Thunberg warned the world that she would speak to Oms so that she would stop the whole world in the face of the climate change situation that could affect us. , I would like to say to all of you (the whole world), I propose a puzzle as a kind of ethical code … five things, in that order … the following: Greta Thunberg, Oms, Trump, China and Coronavirus. That we have behind all this series of appointments. I tell you from the beginning this seems like a legend rather than a reality.1st Greta Thumberg, says go talk to Oms stop the whole world in front of a great situation of danger on approaching climate change. 2nd Oms, I could have heard Greta Thumberg, but so that the people did not understand (the world) of the situation, I diverted the problem by managing another charge. Like e.g. U.S. President Donald Trump. This great character that does not fall well with many Americans with their decisions. Trump may have created a situation to gain time so that he would not get ahead. Yes, the US is the first world power, but it is trapped by China as the first world power, to gain time, Trump a month ago imposed tariffs on all its products, but China went from those Trump-imposed tariffs. Trump saw that the tariffs were not very successful, he went on to something bigger, like. a virus for China. but afterwards this virus has crossed borders, so far the whole world is infected in an incredible way, as well as the USA. The coronavirus has covered what Greta Thumberg proposed to the Oms to paralyze the whole world … How much will we know the truth, in half a year, a year … or never … It was good in Europe to have borders open or gone wrong with imports of products from all over the world to this end … It would be necessary to have the borders closed again as before. Many things have long been gone. We have had to wait for a kind of pandemic that you turn around the world and still we see how it all ends ….. And after it will be all … I do not want to think about it, I want to think every day what the next day will come, I do not want to venture for half a year or a year … it would not be funny, so we already have great hidden characters who are preparing for this situation, which I hope will soon be able to free us. Well, followers, followers, you appreciate my writings, for the messages you send me from all over the world, thank you all for following me, soon to all of you.


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